After completing my first video project, "Inappropriate Conduct", I can honestly say that it's not as hard as it looks to use the iMovie software. In fact, the process is pretty intuitive as long as you are willing to put some time into testing out the special features. I should add that it's easy to seriously underestimate the length of time it takes to edit raw footage. I found, as a self-proclaimed perfectionist, that I was constantly going back into the film to continue editing down to the second. It increased my appreciation for anyone involved with film production and editing!
If this wasn't an assignment, I don't think I would have taken it upon myself to do my own investigation of iMovie. But I am glad I had the opportunity, because in the end it was actually fun! I enjoyed working collaboratively with my group and presenting the final product of our hard work. I definitely plan to implement what I've learned about iMovie into my classroom to facilitate filming projects with my own students. There are a lot of cool animations and other visual displays that can be created about biological phenomena... especially with genetics. I love the idea of using a claymation for presenting phases in mitosis, in which iMovie can be used as a resource.